Urban Lounge — your sports room 1
Urban Lounge — your sports room 2
Urban Lounge — your sports room 3
Urban Lounge — your sports room 4
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Urban Lounge — your sports room

Sport, in a public space which usually only offers contemplative quietness?

The bridge as a symbol of connection. The supposed wasteland between its pillars often remains unused, although the emptiness and quietness lends itself to immersion in undisturbed movement.

Let there be light. And let the non-place become a venue. Where the bridge functions as a connection between two geographical places, light establishes the connection between the outside and the inside. Isolated immobility becomes integrated action. The light and especially the ewo light objects as its sources, make the wasteland fit for social participation. It becomes a feel-good place that literally finds enlightenment in transformation.

Photography: beierle.goerlich

ewo srl - via dell'Adige 15 - IT-39040 Cortaccia (BZ) - T +39 0471 623087 - mail@ewo.com - P.IVA IT 01603000215

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